Londra barbara.. Commenti di amici londinesi sui brutti eventi appena trascorsi in città

Scrive Denise: STUPID GENERATION I am now gonna sound really stupid and say something that’s probably really obvious to everyone who followed the recent events. This is not a political riot, this is not even a riot. I remember genuine political trouble from when I was a child, this is not it. This is asbos hitting poor areas and people’s homes to get themselves yet another fxxxxx mobile and expensive trainers, how sad…

Aggiunge Julia: is most depressing to see how people can get organized, motivate, determinated, not to a revolution to change society, but to feed their needs of possessing ultimate crap iphones…

Commenta James: It’s really disturbing when you consider just how much these young twats have at their disposal and that the only real threat they face is from themselves. Regardless of socio-economic background, they are spoilt (literally and metaphorically), far more privileged than kids in the developing world. I mean, how fucked up is it that spoiling actually breeds ultra violence, destruction and zero remorse or conscience?? Just can’t get my head around it..”

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